What precedes accidental discovery?
"The Prehistory of Serendipity: Bacon to Walpole," _Isis_ 106.2 (2015): 235-56.
This piece, and a related interview, have been generously reviewed by Jeroen Bouterse.

When talk becomes serious-- or conversations are struck dead...
“Pale Fire and Johnson’s Cat: The Anecdote in Polite Conversation.” Criticism 53.2 (2011): 243-66.
The literary origins of game theoretical analysis
“The Rape of the Lock and the Origins of Game Theory.” Connotations 19.1-3 (2010): 203-228.

Horace Walpole's historical imagination

What kind of stories might a coin tell?
"John Evelyn and Numismata: Material History and Autobiography," Word and Image 31.3 (2015): 331-42.